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The Kai Way





      -- Statements

      \sd       do { } while                        (n,v,i)
      \sf       for                                 (n,i)
      \sfo      for { }                             (n,v,i)
      \si       if                                  (n,i)
      \sif      if { }                              (n,v,i)
      \sie      if else                             (n,v,i)
      \sife     if { } else { }                     (n,v,i)
      \sw       while                               (n,i)
      \swh      while { }                           (n,v,i)
      \ss       switch                              (n,v,i)
      \sc       case                                (n,i)
      \s{       { }                                 (n,v,i)

      -- Preprocessor

      \p<       #include <>                         (n,i)
      \p"       #include ""                         (n,i)
      \pd       #define                             (n,i)
      \pu       #undef                              (n,i)
      \pie      #if  #else #endif                   (n,v,i)
      \pid      #ifdef #else #endif                 (n,v,i)
      \pin      #ifndef #else #endif                (n,v,i)
      \pind     #ifndef #def #endif                 (n,v,i)
      \pi0      #if 0 #endif                        (n,v,i)
      \pr0      remove #if 0 #endif                 (n)
      -- Idioms -------------------------------------------------------------

      \if       function                            (n,v,i)
      \isf      static function                     (n,v,i)
      \im       main()                              (n,v,i)
      \i0       for( x=0; x<n; x+=1 )               (n,v,i)
      \in       for( x=n-1; x>=0; x-=1 )            (n,v,i)
      \ie       enum   + typedef                    (n,i)
      \is       struct + typedef                    (n,i)
      \iu       union  + typedef                    (n,i)
      \ip       printf()                            (n,i)
      \isc      scanf()                             (n,i)
      \ica      p=calloc()                          (n,i)
      \ima      p=malloc()                          (n,i)
      \isi      sizeof()                            (n,v,i)
      \ias      assert()                            (n,v)
      \ii       open input file                     (n,i)
      \io       open output file                    (n,i)

      -- Snippets

      \nr       read code snippet                   (n)
      \nw       write code snippet                  (n,v)
      \ne       edit code snippet                   (n)
      \np       pick up prototype                   (n,v)
      \ni       insert prototype(s)                 (n)
      \nc       clear  prototype(s)                 (n)
      \ns       show   prototype(s)                 (n)

      -- C++

      \+c       class                               (n,i)
      \+cn      class (using new)                   (n,i)
      \+ci      class implementation                (n,i)
      \+cni     class (using new) implementation    (n,i)
      \+mi      method implementation               (n,i)
      \+ai      accessor implementation             (n,i)

      \+tc      template class                      (n,i)
      \+tcn     template class (using new)          (n,i)
      \+tci     template class implementation       (n,i)
      \+tcni    template class (using new) impl.    (n,i)
      \+tmi     template method implementation      (n,i)
      \+tai     template accessor implementation    (n,i)

      \+tf      template function                   (n,i)
      \+ec      error class                         (n,i)
      \+tr      try ... catch                       (n,v,i)
      \+ca      catch                               (n,v,i)
      \+c.      catch(...)                          (n,v,i)

这个表最左边的就是按键,中间就是对应的模板,最后面是对应的模式。n是normal,i就是插入模式,v是虚拟模式。展开的模板放在 ~/.vim/c-support/templates 这里,自己可以hack,比如第一件事就是把Templates中的个人资料改一下。我还把函数声明改了一下,默认是把返回值类型放到上一行,看起来不爽。


           F9   compile and link
       Alt-F9   write buffer and compile
      Ctrl-F9   run executable
     Shift-F9   set command line arguments

     Shift-F2   switch between source files and header files



    -- Comments -----------------------------------------------------------

    \cl       end-of-line comment                 (n,v,i)
    \cj       adjust end-of-line comment(s)       (n,v,i)
    \cs       set end-of-line comment column      (n)
    \c*       code -> comment /* */               (n,v)
    \c/       code -> comment //                  (n,v)
    \cc       code -> comment //                  (n,v)
    \co       comment -> code                     (n,v)
    \cfr      frame comment                       (n,i)
    \cfu      function comment                    (n,i)
    \cme      method description                  (n,i)
    \ccl      class description                   (n,i)
    \cd       date                                (n,i)
    \ct       date \& time                        (n,i)
