check spelling on rails
A few days ago I need to do spell checking for a rails project, but can't find a ready-to-use plugin, so I implemented one.
I use the Aspell Lib to do the checking work, and ajax for editing.
First you need to install the Aspell and at lease one dictionary.
Mac: sudo port install aspell aspell-dict-en
Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install aspell libaspell-dev aspell-en
Arch: sudo pacman -S aspell aspell-en
And install the Aspell Ruby binding: raspell
sudo gem install raspell
Add a controller:
# app/controllers/spelling_controller.rb
class SpellingController << ApplicationController
def check
render :update do |page|
page.replace_html 'check-result', SpellingChecker.check_spell(params[:text])
Add a SpellingChecker Class to Lib
# lib/spelling_checker.rb
class SpellingChecker
def self.check_spell text
speller ="en_US")
speller.suggestion_mode = Aspell::NORMAL
wrongs = []
text.gsub(/[\w\']+/) do |word|
wrongs << word unless speller.check(word)
wrongs.uniq.each do |wrong|
text.sub!(wrong, "<span class='wrong'>#{wrong}</span>")
return text
in the view:
<label for="description">Description: </label>
<div id="check-desc" style="display:none;">
<%=link_to_function 'Resume editing', "ttoggleChecking()" %>
<br />
<div id="check-result">Checking...</div>
<div id="edit-desc">
<%=link_to_function 'Check spelling', "new Ajax.Updater({ success:toggleChecking()},
{method:'get', parameters:{text:$F('ticket_description')}});" %>
<br />
<%= f.text_area :description, :cols => 84, :rows => 10 %>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function toggleChecking() {
$('edit-desc', 'check-desc').invoke('toggle');
This is what it looks like:
That is it, quite sample, isn't it? I would like to make a plugin for it, but no much time recently.
Thank yawl for pointing out my grammar misstake.
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